Press Releases

Assemblywoman Krell Announces Over 20 Co-Authors for the Survivor Support and Demand Reduction Act

SACRAMENTO – AssemblywomanMaggy Krell (D-Sacramento) announced a bipartisan list of over 20 co-authors of AB 379, which creates a fund to support victims of sex trafficking while cracking down on those who are buying vulnerable people, including teenagers for sex. These co-authors join a survivor-led coalition consisting of numerous anti human trafficking organizations, local elected officials and...

Assemblywoman Krell Introduces the Survivor Support and Demand Reduction Act


February 25, 2025

Contact: Alex Niles, (916) 319-2431, 


Assemblywoman Krell Introduces the Survivor Support and Demand Reduction Act

SACRAMENTO – In an effort to better protect and support survivors of sex trafficking while cracking down on the demand that fuels victimization, Assemblywoman Maggy Krell (D-Sacramento) has introduced AB 379, which would...


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