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2023-2024 Legislative Priorities

2024 Legislation


AB 1113 Afterschool Programs – Protects access to quality afterschool programs for youth in middle and high school by ensuring that program funding reaches them

AB 1192 TK Implementation – Provides the “second adult” in a Transitional Kindergarten class (TK) with 48 hours of professional development training to ensure students have quality instructors

AB 2088 Right of First Refusal for Classified Employees - Helps classified employees sustain themselves and their families by requiring all public TK-14 providers to give classified employees the first opportunity at job postings

AB 2927 Financial Literacy – Helps students make smart financial decisions in life by requiring California high schools to provide a one-semester, stand-alone course in personal finance to all students as a graduation requirement

AB 2508 CalKIDS Expansion – Expands eligibility of the CalKIDS college savings program by ensuring all foster kids in first through twelfth grade are eligible to receive funds

                                                                              Higher Education

AB 2076 Student Housing Loan Fund – Allows California’s three public higher education segments to continue building affordable student housing by loaning $200 million to the Student Housing Revolving Loan Fund

AB 2152 College Service Learning Pilot – Enhances the college experience and fosters greater civic responsibility among California students by implementing a service learning graduation requirement at three campuses within the UC and CSU school systems

AB 3131 Career Technical Education (CTE) Expansion in Redlined Communities – Part of the California Black Caucus’ reparations package, AB 3131 expands CTE by requiring schools in historically redlined communities be the first in line to receive CTE grants

                                                                               Police Accountability

AB 1725 Police Misconduct Taxpayer Settlements – Ensures transparency and accountability by requiring municipalities to publicly post financial details of law enforcement use-of-force settlements

                                                                               Public Safety

AB 1794 Retail Theft Accountability – Keeps California businesses open and neighborhoods safe by holding repeat retail crime offenders accountable for their crimes by re-evaluating public safety accountability measures

AB 2106 Drug Use Accountability – Keeps California neighborhoods safe by placing individuals charged with repetitive drug offenses in treatment programs

AB 2565 School Safety Act – Ensures that California builds safer schools by requiring more school districts to install interior locks

AB 2673 Sacramento Youth Firearm Prevention Pilot – Authorizes Sacramento County, in partnership with our District Attorney, Police Chief, community organizations and academia, to design a harm reduction and gun violence prevention program for youth convicted of a non-violent firearm offense

AB 2824 Transit Worker Safety Act – Improves public transit safety by enhancing penalties for individuals who assault a public transit operator, employee, or contractor

AB 2744 Intersection Safety Act – Promotes public safety and walkability for all road users by designing streets and intersections to ensure Sacramento roads are safe for pedestrians and cyclists

AB 2882 Community Corrections Accountability Act – Improves transparency and accountability of how California spends county public safety funding by ensuring every dollar is used to its fullest potential to reach California’s goals of reducing recidivism rates


AB 2593 Sacramento County Partnership on Homelessness – Creates a partnership on homelessness with Sacramento County and seven cities within the county to combat the homelessness crisis

AB 2988 Sacramento Courthouse for Affordable Housing – Grants California’s Judicial Council the authority to sell the closed Schaber Courthouse for the purpose of affordable housing

                                                                        Environmental Protections

AB 2427 – Equitable EV Charging Act – Increases access to electric vehicle (EV) charging for owners and renters of multi-family and low-income housing by reducing barriers to deploying curbside charging


AB 2203 Fair Ticketing Practices Act – Safeguards consumers’ rights when purchasing event tickets online by ensuring that electronic tickets are timely delivered to the consumer

AB 2265 Animal Shelters – Improves transparency policies at animal shelters in regards to animal euthanasians and spay and neutering

AB 2634 SacRT “Super Senior” Pass – Authorizes Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) to issue free Lifetime Transit Passes to seniors aged 75 and older

AB 2720 Arts in Public Places Act – Makes generational investments in California art and artists by requiring one percent of state approved construction costs to be used to acquire and install public art in new buildings


2023 Legislative Victories

Take a look at the bills that have been signed by Governor Newsom during the 2023 legislative session:

Graphic listing all the bills that have been signed by Governor Newsom


2023 Priority Legislation


AB 714 Student Support for Immigrant/Refugee "Newcomers" (Signed)  – Provides more educational support for newcomer students

AB 984 High School Financial Literacy Graduation Requirement – Would help high school students with finances by requiring graduating seniors to complete a financial literacy course

AB 1113 Afterschool Programs – Protects access to quality afterschool programs for youth in middle and high school by ensuring program funding is used for them

AB 1165 Racial and Hate Incidents in School (Signed) - Encourages schools to refer the victim and perpetrator of racist bullying, harassment, or intimidation to a restorative justice (RJ) program

AB 1192 Transitional Kindergarten Implementation – Supports TK expansion by giving schools the support and security needed as TK is fully implemented

AB 1699 Classified School Employees - Require all public TK-14 education providers to provide existing classified employees with a right of first refusal to part - and full-time job postings

Higher Education:

AB 25 Debt Free College – Will finish the job at making college debt-free for CA students by helping with non-tuition costs students may face

AB 638 Teacher Training Scholarship Program – Expands the Golden State Teacher Grant Program by including loan forgiveness eligibility for preschool teachers

AB 656 Expanding CSU Doctoral Programs (Signed) – Allows CSUs to offer more doctoral degrees without having to get legislative approval

AB 897 Permanent Status for Adult Educators (Signed) – Will provide Adult Education teachers with the same rights and protections as their K-12 colleagues

AB 1245 Free Community College for Childcare Providers – Helps with the CA childcare provider shortage by providing free community college for those going into early childhood education

AB 1390 College Service Learning Requirement – Would require college students to participate in community service as a graduation requirement

AB 1749 Transfer Pathways from Community College to UC Campuses (Signed) – Provides a single pathway for students to transfer from Community College to a UC or CSU

Police Accountability:

AB 807 Deadly Use of Force – Updates the CA Department of Justice use of force unit to ensure that all police-related deaths are independently investigated

AB 1291 Police Settlements Transparency– Would require excessive force settlements over $50,000 to be disclosed to the public

Environmental Protections:

AB 1504 EV Charging Stations – Will help aid CA in the 2035 transition to electric vehicles by building more curbside charging stations for residents in multi-family dwellings


AB 534 Sacramento County Airport Improvements (Signed) - Grants airports needed flexibility in planning capital expenditures like the new Sacramento Airport rental car facility 

AB 747 Non-Compete Contracts – Protects CA workers by preventing employers and attorneys from including non-compete clauses in worker contracts

AB 959 Courthouse Sale and Relocation - Permits the state to sell outdated court facilities in Plumas, Sacramento, and Stanislaus counties 

AB 1052 Sacramento Regional Transit Financing (Signed) - Gives Sacramento Regional Transit Agency (SacRT) flexibility to place measures on the ballot for a public vote using a tailored portion of the region

AB 1086 Sacramento County Homelessness JPA - Creates the Sacramento County Partnership on Homelessness Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to coordinate response and resources to the homelessness crisis 

AB 1360 Hope California: Secured Residential Treatment Pilot Program (Signed) - Authorizes Sacramento and Yolo counties to establish a five-year pilot program for secured residential treatment for those with substance use disorders (SUDs) convicted of a drug-motivated crime

AB 1406 Firearm Background Checks (Signed) - Authorizes the DOJ to delay a firearms transfer up to 30 days during a state of emergency to ensure background checks are complete