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The new Wild West: Sacramento's sheriff issues more concealed-carry gun permits than any major California lawman

Craig Kamikawa rarely leaves home without his handgun. A resident of the Greenhaven-Pocket neighborhood who works at a fishing tackle shop, Kamikawa keeps it holstered at his hip when he steps into the streets of Sacramento, where a new wave of concealed-weapon permits could turn the city into a modern-day American Wild West.

Kamikawa says he received his concealed-carry weapon permit, or CCW, in 2012, after a thorough review and exam. He is a member of a social group called the Pink Pistols that meets, talks guns and shoots at targets once a month. His gun is for self-defense, he says. But although he is not eager to ever have to use it outside the shooting range, he says he’s ready to shoot a person if the occasion calls for it.