Assemblymember McCarty Applauds $13.1 Million Awarded to Capitol Corridor to Expand and Improve California Commuter and Intercity Rail Services
For immediate release: February 5, 2018
(SACRAMENTO, CA) – The California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) announced that the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority has been awarded $13.1 million in funding from the State Rail Assistance (SRA). This landmark funding package was made possible by the passage of SB 1, also known as the Road Repair and Accountability Act, which provides $5 billion in annual investment funding to improve commuter and intercity rail service across the state, reduce air pollution and ease traffic congestion.
SB 1 is a transformative investment in California’s transportation infrastructure that will boost the state’s economy and support hundreds of thousands of jobs in California. The funding package also focuses on congested corridors around the state, emphasizing multi-modal solutions with $2.5 billion for regional or local agencies that take comprehensive approaches. Previous transit funding grants have been provided to put more zero-emissions vehicles on the road for public transportation and cleaner engines for our trains across the state. This multi-billion dollar investment in improving pavements on state and local roads means that drivers and bus riders alike will enjoy a smooth ride home.
“As a longtime advocate for modernizing the Capitol region’s transportation infrastructure, I supported SB 1 because it will make significant investments in our regional transportation network create jobs strengthen our economy,” said Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D – Sacramento). “The awarding of this grant allows us to explore opportunities for new mobility options that will increase ridership. We need to get Californians out of their cars and into trains. To do that, it is imperative that we can make and keep a promise to riders that trains will run on time and travel quicker. The reduction in vehicle trips on the freeway will benefit both residents and the environment.”
SRA’s $13.1 million award in new funding to Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor service will dramatically improve rail service by funding service expansion, the modernization of equipment and the building of stations and tracks. These significant, generational investments will provide commuters better access to reliable, affordable and green transportation options for more Californians.
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Kevin McCarty represents California’s 7th Assembly District, which include the cities of Sacramento, West Sacramento and unincorporated Sacramento County. McCarty serves as Chair of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance.