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Assemblymember McCarty Statement on Governor Brown’s Revised Budget Proposal

For immediate release:


Assemblymember McCarty Statement on Governor Brown’s Revised Budget Proposal


(SACRAMENTO, CA) – Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento), Chair of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance released the following statement in response to Governor Jerry Brown’s revised proposed 2018-19 state budget.


“The Governor's revised budget provides an encouraging starting point as we begin our final budget negotiations.  Strong revenues project our state's economic stability and an opportunity to expand key investments in education – from early education to K-12 education to higher education. Overall, this spending plan will help expand pre-K programs, fully fund the Local Control Funding Formula, and increase childcare and early childhood education programs to give kids a head start.”


“I look forward to working with the Governor, my legislative colleagues and the public in the coming weeks to craft a fiscally responsible, balanced and on -time budget that affirms our commitment to public education, quality early education and access to affordable higher education for all Californians.”


Governor Brown’s $199.3 billion budget includes proposed K-12 spending of $56.6 billion and proposed higher education spending of $16.2 billion in 2018-19. The California Constitution requires the Budget Act be approved by June 15, 2018.


A summary of Governor Brown’s full budget proposal can be viewed here:


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Kevin McCarty represents California’s 7th Assembly District, which include the cities of Sacramento, West Sacramento and unincorporated Sacramento County. McCarty serves as Chair of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance.