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Assemblymembers Kevin McCarty and Ken Cooley announce a $25 million budget appropriation to help address homelessness along the American River Parkway

For immediate release:

“As staunch supporters and active users of the American River Parkway, we have seen firsthand the myriad of challenges facing this jewel. We know that money alone cannot fix every problem, but we fought to get $25 million in the budget for Sacramento County to tackle this problem. This money will help hundreds of those in need get shelter, housing and services provided by the county.” - Assemblymembers Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) and Ken Cooley (D-Rancho Cordova)

 The Budget Act of 2022 (SB/AB 179) contains the following language to help address homelessness along the American River Parkway:

“$25,000,000 to the County of Sacramento to address the concerns of unpermitted homeless population on the American River Parkway.”

A number of local leaders are applauding this action:

“I am extremely grateful for the efforts by Assemblymembers McCarty and Cooley to help Sacramento County fund safe and sanitary alternatives with wraparound services for those living outdoors, while giving us the ability to protect an invaluable recreational and environmental amenity in the Sacramento region.” – Sacramento County Supervisor Rich Desmond

“Local residents and visitors alike deserve a clean and safe American River Parkway. It is an ecological and recreational asset like no other in the region, and I’m hopeful the Governor signs the budget bill directing tens of millions to protect it.” – Sacramento County Supervisor Phil Serna

“We are highly encouraged by the $25 million allocated in the California State Budget for the American River Parkway. This funding can help those living on the Parkway find shelter, and the services they need, as well as help restore the Parkway so that it can finally be recognized as one of the premier urban parks in the nation.” - American River Parkway Foundation Executive Director Dianna Poggetto.

The bill is eligible to be heard on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, and has support from the Governor’s Office, the Senate President Pro Tempore, and Assembly Speaker.
