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Assemblymember Kevin McCarty’s statement on outing transgender and gender nonconforming students in schools

For immediate release:

“While some extreme school boards across California politicize our LGBTQ+ youth, I stand committed to supporting safe and inclusive educational environments for all students. Forcing the disclosure of transgender or gender nonconforming students’ identities to their parents without their consent could lead to their harm, including suicide, violence and homelessness. Our duty is to protect our youth, making schools safe for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s important school boards collaborate with experts, educators and students for more compassionate solutions. Let’s stand with our LGBTQ+ youth and protect their rights and dignity.”


Kevin McCarty represents California’s 6th Assembly District, which includes the city of Sacramento and parts of unincorporated Sacramento County. McCarty serves as Chair of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance. Website of Assemblymember Kevin McCarty: